Courage Coaching
In November 2022
I created my first bottle of courage.
We were going to an event to hear if @warmheartssauna would receive funding.
I was 111% sure we would.
I got a bottle of bubbles, glued a picture of a floating sauna on the side of the bottle, and brought it to the announcement.
I was ready to pop the bottle.
Well, we didn’t receive the funding.
After sucking up my tears of disappointment I went home.
I put the bottle in my fridge. I told myself we’d be popping it on the day we get funded. I’d keep the bottle a) visible to remind me daily about the goal, and b) cold because it might pop any day!

It took us 7 months - but we did it!

Today, “bottle of courage” is one of my signature exercises in coaching.
The idea is simple:
All of us have big dreams. Something we really want in life.
In most cases, those dreams scare us.
We tell ourselves “it’s not possible for me”, or “it’s not the right time”.
I want to tell you the opposite: it is possible.
See who’s already popped the bottle

Interested in working with me?

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